anything to say? :3

Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Fine Day

a fine day
and i feel like
walking around
seeing other people
people i know
people i don't know

i walk
in a park
and i see
a small girl looking bashfully to a big boy
a red parcel in her hands
"i like you"
the big boy smiled and take it
i wonder
will they be together?

i walk
into a school
and i see
a young student standing with a young teacher
the young teacher give her a bouquet of roses
"i care for you"
the young student smiled and take it
i wonder
how long will they be together?

i walk
into a church
and i see
a couple getting married
the groom older than the bride by years
the ceremony has ended
the bride kissed the groom's cheek
"i love you"
the groom smiled and and savor the kiss
i wonder
until when will they be together?

i walk
into a hospital
an old man lying on a bed
a younger woman weeping beside him
the doctors gloomily watched them
the woman gave the man's hand a gentle squeeze
"don't leave me"
the old man tried to smile and take the words
up to this point
i do not have to wonder
i walked up to him
he saw me, the others didn't
he nodded to me
later that evening
the woman lost the love of her life

2 more thought(s):

Unknown said...

i love this poem about love.. n the ending is tragic...

Anonymous said...

but i think it's a fine ending. coz they got to be together until they are old. :)