Now now now.... I just went back home for, like, only several days. And I dont talk much. I listen. Well, one of 'em is a story about a family of a bunch of dumb pigs, but I'd like to concentrate on 3 main members of the family.
Firstly, the mother pig. Let's just call her BIATCH
Second, guess what? The father pig! Call him a D*CKHEAD
Third, the son of the pigs. And, his name is... *SSFACE
Second, guess what? The father pig! Call him a D*CKHEAD
Third, the son of the pigs. And, his name is... *SSFACE
There, there... They are a happeeeee family. Aww.... I felt like crying of happiness seeing them...
*pukes in the corner after saying that*
But, one day... ::(fake) sobs:: *SSFACE became crazy. It's like *POW* and
he turns into a mindless pig zombie minus the appetite for human
brains. He just, like, function-less. And guess? BIATCH and D*CKHEAD
dreaded things like that because *SSFACE supposed to work and bring them
filthy food in front of their big pigsty everyday. ::(fake) sigh.. awww poor
child....:: Therefore, the couple concentrated on other piglets, which are
normal and would do their pigsty chores faithfully, unlike *SSFACE who
would stared blankly into space every living minute he had.
Geez, a total spoiler, ain't it? LOL
Well, somehow, *SSFACE got the direction to one of his human
acquaintance house. How? Perhaps a voice whisper the direction to the
unfortunate house. *when a pig become crazy, THAT is a serious ailment,
oh-kay?* Back to the story, unable to reject him because of
manner, the owner and his family accepted him. They let him, guess? Eat
like a pig, sleep like a pig, and basically being a total douchebag in the
house for, like, a couple of months. Meanwhile, BIATCH and D*CKHEAD live
happily in their stinky pigsty, purposely playing deaf although they know
that their frigging son is messing up other people's lives. *what the hell?? i
don't give a damn if their family is falling off a cliff, i'd rather save a dog
than them, but puh-leeez, don't interfere with OUR lives, stinking pigs!*
Eventually, the owner of the kind house let *SSFACE live in another house.
Not being grateful, *SSFACE became worse. :: this suppose to teach that kindness doesnt necessarily replied with kindness :: He REALLY made
himself home. He even threatened the owner of the 'another house', which
ultimately forcing them to leave their own house. And, can you believe?
BIATCH and D*CKHEAD were roaring and roaring with red faces like b*tches
in heat.. In simpler words, they were angry because 'kind house' was now
abandoning their son. Geez, see? Ungrateful pigs. *I felt like screaming :
hello??? that's your child. taking care of him IS you f*cking responsibility,
not ours, F*CKERS!!!* *SSFACE then try to be a business-pig, making
business by his sh*tting skills; which turn his own sh*t into fertilizer for his
planted vegetables. ::YIKES!!:: He lived happily, while the 'kind house' and
the 'another house' suffer, until.... NOW.
Moral : Once a pig turns crazy, hand them over to slaughter house, and let
them make a bacon out of it. BEWARE OF MAGGOTS THOUGH. That's not a
good sign nor a pretty sight.
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